Listed below are the Christian organizations at the University of Kentucky. Click on any ministry for contact info and meeting times. For more information, feel free to contact the ministries via email or phone.


Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM)

   Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM)
   Campus Minister: Daniel Johnson
   Address: 429 Columbia Ave, Lexington, KY 40508
   Email: [email protected]
   Meeting Times: Free Dinner Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM | Elevate Worship Tuesdays @ 7:30 PM | Freshman Focus Thursdays @ 7:30 PM

Campus Outreach (CO)

   Campus Outreach
   Campus Minister: Wayne Logan
   Phone: 606.521.9470
   Email: [email protected]

Catholic Newman Center

Catholic Newman Center
We are on a mission to form a Catholic Christian community by showing a personal interest in each student and leading him or her to encounter Jesus Christ and serve others. We are a university parish faith community of students, faculty, staff, and friends.

   Pastor: Fr. Anthony McLaughlin, JCD
   Campus Minister to Students: Brian Gall, 859-663-6084
   Address: 320 Rose Lane, Lexington, KY 40508
   Office Phone: (859) 255-8566
   Email: [email protected]
   Meeting Times: Tuesday Nights, Student Mass and social Thursday 7:30 PM and Sunday 8:30 PM

Cats for Christ

Church of Christ/Cats for Christ
Cats For Christ (CFC) is a place of belonging for those who are searching and hungry for genuine and authentic community. We believe relationships matter and there is no better relationship to have than a relationship with Jesus. UK's campus is filled with experiences to see where God is and who God is. It's our desire to walk with you as you discover the goodness of God in the everyday.

   Campus Ministers: Trace and Jenna Lee
   Address: 1533 Nicholasville Rd., Lexington, KY 40503
   Phone: 859.278.9533
   Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
   Instagram: @uk_cfc

Christian Student Fellowship (CSF)

Christian Student Fellowship (CSF)
CSF isn't a place. CSF isn't a program. CSF is everywhere on campus- although we do have a building where we sometimes hang out. It's a million different places and a million different people. It's downtown serving the homeless. Climbing at the Johnson Center. A conversation about Jesus 'til 2am. It's wherever people are interacting with each other and with God.

   Campus Minister: Brian Marshall
   Address: 502 Columbia Avenue, Lexington, KY 40508
   Phone: 859.273.5433
   Email: [email protected]
   Meeting times: Synergy, Thursdays at 8pm; Shift (for freshmen), Mondays at 6pm


Cru is a family captivated by the joy of knowing Jesus Christ, united under the call to make him known. We care deeply about one another, our campus, and the world around us.

   Campus Minister: Thomas Swartwout and Emma Neel
   Email: [email protected], [email protected]
   Instagram: @UKCru
   Meeting times: Thursday nights at 8pm. Check instagram for location.

Episcopal Campus Ministry

   Episcopal Campus Ministry
   St. Augustine's Chapel
   Campus Minister: Rob Coulston
   Address: St. Augustine's Chapel, 472 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40508
   Phone: 859.254.3726 (chapel office) 859.489.1222 (cell)
   Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
   Instagram: @StAugustinesLex
   Meeting times: 7:00 PM Sunday for Evening Prayer; 7:00 PM Thursdays for Bible study. Both are currently online and hoping to be hybrid in the near future. Email for GoogleMeet link. Check website for in person opportunities.

Lexington Campus Disciples (LCD)

Lexington Campus Disciples (LCD)
As a group that genuinely feels like a family, we at LCD are committed to following the Bible and creating a community of like-minded disciples as a safe haven in a campus environment. We strive to go back to the basics of Christianity and, no matter where you are in your faith, we recognize the importance of meeting others where they’re at.

   Campus Ministers: Micah Fowler & Tayler McCrabb
   Phone: 859.878.6819 (Micah) 770.778.1638 (Tayler)
   Email: [email protected]
   Instagram: @LCDministry

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Lutheran Campus Ministry

   Lutheran Campus Ministry
   St. Augustine's Chapel
   Campus Minister: Rob Coulston
   Address: St. Augustine's Chapel, 472 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40508
   Phone: 859.254.3726 (chapel office) 859.489.1222 (cell)
   Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
   Instagram: @StAugustinesLex
   Meeting times: 7:00 PM Thursdays for Bible study. Both are currently online and hoping to be hybrid in the near future. Email for GoogleMeet link. Check website for in person opportunities.

Orthodox Christian Fellowship

Orthodox Christian Fellowship (Eastern-Greek Antiochian Orthodox Church)
   Pastor: Rev. Fr. Thomas Gallaway
   Address: St. Andrew's Orthodox Church, 1136 Higbee Mill Rd., Lexington, KY 40503
   Phone: 859.277.1763
   Email: [email protected]
   Meeting times: Divine Liturgy, Sundays at 10am; Great Vespers, Saturdays at 6pm

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)

   Reformed University Fellowship (Presbyterian Church in America)
   Campus Minister: Nick Bratcher
   Phone: 270.775.5131
   Email: [email protected]

United Methodist Wesley Foundation

   United Methodist Center Wesley Foundation
   Director: Casey Neely
   Address: 508 Columbia Ave., Lexington, KY 40508
   Phone: 859.254.0231
   Email: [email protected]
   Meeting times: Free Dinner and Worship on Tuesdays at 7:00pm. Breakfast for Dinner, small groups and Bible study on Thursdays at 7:00pm.

University Christian Outreach

University Christian Outreach is a place for students who are looking to learn to follow Jesus Christ with all of our lives, for the rest of our lives. Come join us!

   Campus Contact: Steven Maier
   Email: [email protected]
   Meetings: Thursdays at 8pm

Young Life College Ministry

Young Life College Ministry
In Young Life - College, we value four things, the gospel, deep friendships, academics, and service. College is about more than getting a degree. It is about growing up and we want to supplement your education with community and spiritual truth.

   Campus Minister: Kevin Warnick
   Address: 1020 Industry Rd., #78, Lexington, KY 40505
   Phone: 859.266.3721
   Email: [email protected]
   Instagram: @UK_YoungLife_College
   Meeting Times: Mondays at 8pm and Wednesday evenings (times vary)